From Deadman's Trail

The Finlinson Family 2009 Holiday Letter

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Dear Family and Friends,

     Well, the Finlinson family has made it through another year in Utah. I did make a trip to California to bring back some more STUFF much to Shelley's chagrin. It was, as can be imagined, significant treasures to me. I have made some progress in organizing some of the other treasures brought from Calif. David said that when I die, he is just going to back a dumpster up to the house and toss everything in it. Probably not a bad idea as it is a daunting task to go through 40 years of collecting treasures. I have made progress on the farm, however. I cut up one of the combines with a torch and have it neatly stacked for disposal. I thought someone was going to take the other one as spare parts for a combine that he had but he has not showed up to transport it yet. I bought a new tractor this year and have had fun using it. I now have 9 head of cattle to eat up the hay as well as Shelley's horse. So, my haystacks are disappearing little by little. I had about 9 acres of land leveled and replanted into hay after growing oats on it last year. I built a new fence along the bottom of my property and repaired some of the others. Still didn't help as the cattle managed to find their way through one in particular. They are now confined to the corral until sold. I have cleaned up most of the basement in the Leamington home and have done some work on the bathroom. Hope to finish it this winter. I helped my brother, Neal, move from Nevada back to Delta. That was most interesting to say the least. They have lots more treasures than I have.
     Shelley is still doing cemetery work. This year she was most instrumental in getting a new sprinkler system installed. There was a lot of work getting the bids, selecting an installer, and overseeing the work. She did a fantastic job and the cemetery has never looked better. She also oversaw two Eagle Scout projects that added a flag display and a new entrance sign. Awesome!!! She continues to do hair. This year she also started a new job with the Mosquito Abatement District spraying breeding pools. She also cleans the Post Office 6 nights a week. Somehow she managed to fit in a garden, yard work, and family. She is a wonderful mother and grandmother.
     Carter graduated from high school this year. He worked all year at a tire store and rebuilt a truck from scratch. He took 3rd place in a car show. He started Diesel Mechanic training at Wyotech in Laramie Wy. He has done an incredible job and is currently at the top of his class in academics. We look forward to his graduation in early March.
     Anna surprised us with a new grandchild this year…a little boy - Lawrence Ryder Douglass. His birth was not without excitement. He was life-flighted to an intensive care unit in Provo the night of his birth because he was having problems breathing after sucking fluid into his lungs. He was there for almost 2 weeks and then was able to go home. He was on a monitor and oxygen. He is fine now and growing like a weed. Anna and her boyfriend, Dustin, now live down by St George UT where he is employed. Anna is a wonderful mother and we enjoy it when she can come and stay with us.
     David and Aubrey have had an exciting year. David was laid off by Pfizer as part of their downsizing. He is now in the process of starting a new company with a lady that he met on his mission in Minnesota and baptized. They are anticipating a kickoff date of early 2010 if all goes according to plan. He currently commutes between Colorado and AZ for company meetings and if all goes well, he might move to Salt Lake if the decision is made to headquarter the company there. That would obviously suit me really well. Much closer than AZ. I am going to visit them in AZ for a week just before Christmas.
Kjirsten is still working in the Mother/Baby unit at the hospital in Fairfield. She has 3 dogs now as the latest addition was a boxer. I enjoyed them while I was in Calif in Jul. They have the run of the house.      Kjirsten has done a wonderful job decorating the inside of the house. The outside needs lots of work which I hope will get started this coming year. Kjirsten will be flying into AZ for Christmas so that we can share some good times shopping and eating and playing with Shane and Alyssa.
    Kip and Dee have a built-in babysitter whenever they need to go any place. Shelley loves to take care of Acey. The only problem is that Acey does not want to go home after having been over here. Kip completed the remodel of an upstairs room of their house and did a wonderful job. He also redid the stairway going upstairs. He still works for the State in game management. He works closely with the Sheepherders and owners to control coyotes and bears that attack their flocks. Dee is able to do her work for the govt out of her home telecommuting. She has to go to Salt Lake on Mondays. Kip and Dee surprised us with the news of another grandbaby on the way arriving in Mar or Apr. It is a little boy. What a wonderful addition to their family. Kip loves to hunt and got a deer this year.
     I was so grateful to have Brother Fox come out from Calif and spend time with Shelley and I this summer. We got to do all the neat things on the 24th of Jul. Attend Rodeos, a parade. Program in the park, eat and golf. He is always so full of energy and good will. I love playing golf with William. I am grateful for Shelley's mom and family. We have had wonderful get-togethers for birthdays, holidays, and reunions. I am especially grateful to be living in a town that understands the true meanings of the Holidays we celebrate. The Fourth of July celebration is spectacular and the Christmas decorations are second to none. I just love driving up and down main street looking at the decorations. I have enjoyed so much serving in the American Legion with my fellow veterans. There are none more patriotic. We provided service at funerals, 2 parades, all home football games, and other school activities. It has been fun. This year I became the 1st Vice Commander.
     May the Lord bless each of you with your righteous desires for the coming New Year. May we remember that we are celebrating the birth of our Savior at this time of the year and try to live our lives as he would want us to live them. May we look for opportunities to serve others within our communities and churches. May we be thankful for the blessings that have enriched our lives this past year.

Have a wonderful Christmas and an even better New Year.
Russ, Shelley, and family
The Finlinsons

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