From Deadman's Trail

The Torreano Family 2010 Holiday Letter

Aloha Friends and family, Mimi and Mark wish you all the best in the upcoming holiday season!

Mimi . . . volunteers at the USO helping our servicemen and families, and at the Women’s
Assistance League thrift store, which provides support for women's’ and educational programs
such as school supplies to needy students. She also is a volunteer reading tutor at a local school
and enjoys her mah jongg and poker groups.

Mark . . . retired from Lockheed Martin in July and became a campaign volunteer for several
political candidates (they all lost in this very Democrat Party state ) - : ). He is relaxing some and
perhaps may rediscover a path not taken when he was younger (Rock star? Not so much).

Mark Jr . . . turned 40 (WOW!) and we went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina and
Pittsburgh to celebrate with him, Tricia and Francesca (2). Last summer, Savannah (17) and
Taylor (14) came to Hawaii for a nice visit.

Marcy . . . with Jack , Nick (10), Jack Jr (6) and Ryan (4), moved from Okinawa to South Korea
in 2009 for a 2-year tour at Osan AB south of Seoul. We visited them in September and watch
the news carefully when North Korea acts up. The boys enjoy being overseas and learning
about their host country. Marcy wanted to share that experience with Savannah and Taylor too,
so she invited them to visit last summer. It was the girls first experience overseas and they really
enjoyed it.

We just returned from Las Vegas, where we saw the Air Force football team beat UNLV. We
also looked at some homes there (great prices!) in case we decide to relocate to the mainland in
the next few years. We plan to visit Arizona and New Mexico next year to expand our options.

In January, Mark’s mother Ina passed away in Colorado Springs at 92 and Mark joined sister
Marsha and brother Mike as she passed. With both of our parents now gone, we took a trip
together in May to retrace family roots in Cincinnati, Detroit, rural Michigan and the Upper
Peninsula to visit relatives, find the farm house Mom was born in and the home the Torreanos
lived in when they came to America from Italy in the 1870s. It was a journey of discovery and
reconnection with our parents.

Click on pictures for larger images

Nico, Ryan, Mimi, Jack Jr, Mark

Mark Jr, Mimi and Francesca

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